Pulitzer Prize winner plans to speak with students

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sonia Nazario will be speaking at Sycamore High School in the auditorium on September 22 at 9:00 a.m.

AP Spanish students have read the Spanish version of her book Enrique’s Journey, where she documents the story of a teenager who tries to be reunited with his mother in the United States, making several attempts on the tops of trains traveling from Honduras.

It is also timely with the election next November.

According to the book’s website, the story “puts a human face on the ongoing debate about immigration reform in the United States.”

The meeting was organized by Spanish teacher Mrs. Meredith Blackmore with Miami University.

AP Spanish classes from other high schools will also be invited, and the opportunity will be open to all Sycamore juniors and seniors who have learned something about “Enrique’s Journey” previous to her visit. This could include those in several different classes, including:

  • Spanish (AP and Contemporary Hispanic Studies)
  • History (Central American/Mexican history in relation to the US; history of Latin American immigration)
  • Government (Immigration policy)
  • Global Perspectives (Current immigration from Central America due to gang violence compared to current immigration from Syria into Europe due to war)
  • English classes/ Literature/ Comparative Literature
  • Journalism (Sonia is a reporter, has written many articles for the LA Times, NY Times, etc.)
  • Art (photo journalism/ art as education/awareness)