Girls Bowling Team strikes new season
Jennifer Weber prepares to roll the ball. She is sporting her Girls Bowling uniform. In the background, her teammates are supporting and watching her.
October 16, 2014
Look out from down the lane- Girls Bowling is coming in Nov. This sport is great to join to learn new skills and to meet new people.
“I joined with a couple friends and met some new people there too who were awesome,” senior Jennifer Weber said.
Although the season does not start until Nov, the games are mainly later in the school year.
“Toward the end of the season [in Feb.] there are the most games,” Weber said.
While the Girls Bowling Team sounds like no work and all play, they have regular practices that are very insightful on bowling technique.
“We practice at Crossgates for an hour after school. We bowl and sometimes do drills to learn how to spin the ball,” Weber said.
Weber also expressed the team spirit the Girls Bowling Team members have for each other.
“We make up a lot of cheers for each other, which are funny to say. Since we’re kinda bad, if we get a strike we sing ‘For the First Time in Forever’ from Frozen, or we sing ‘Those pins are falling down, I’m yelling timber!” Weber said.