Band night serves as march to remember
A member of the marching band plays at a football game. Members of the marching band practice long and hard every day to improve. They perform at SJHS.
October 13, 2014
On Oct. 10 the marching band, eighth grade band, seventh grade band and sixth grade band all participated in Band Night at the homecoming game. The bands performed a show together before the game.
“I feel excited. It’s gonna be so much fun,” member of the seventh grade band Anant Sharma said.
A long time tradition for the younger grades to appreciate the experience of playing with the older high school students is playing on live center field. They put in hours of practice to prepare for this memorable night.
“During band we practice our music maybe once a week, three weeks before the show” said freshman Maia Davidson.
This event affects the lower grades by allowing them to see how great the marching band is, giving them motivation to reach for and eventually join the SHS band.
“I think they will have an amazing memory to take home. They’ll be able to see us and think, in a few years, I’ll get to wear that uniform and march in that band” said Davidson.
After the performance of all the bands before the game, marching band continued to play for the rest of the game and also performed a halftime show.