Water polo season swims to close
Gould plays defense against an opponent from Milford High School. Along with water polo, Gould also swims for the High School and for the Blue Ash YMCA.
October 16, 2014
With just two weeks left in the season, the Girls Varsity Water Polo season is coming to a close. The team will play one more dual match before the end of the season.
The game is against Upper Arlington at Upper Arlington High School in Columbus, OH on Wed. Oct. 8. Both the Boys and the Girls Varsity teams will play but the Junior Varsity will not.
The girls team is currently ranked third in the state behind Upper Arlington High School and Napoleon High School, they moved up from the mid-season rankings where they were seeded fourth in the state with Milford taking the third place spot. Milford is now fourth.
“It’s a really great feeling that we moved up in our rankings. I hope we stay third seed for the state tournament because the higher your seed, the easier it is to get to the championship game,” said junior Jory Gould.
The boys team is ranked sixth which is better than their mid-season ranking of seventh. Going into the state tournament, the boys will have to beat some of the hardest teams in the state in order to make it to the championship game.
The state tournament will be run much differently than last year. There is a winning bracket which will be held at Mason High School and a losing bracket which will be held at SHS.
“It’s cool that we get to host one of the brackets for state but I hope that we get to play at Mason for the winning bracket and not here for the losing bracket,” said junior Hannah Schweggman.
The tournament will be set up in bracket style. This means that if you lose one game, you are out of the running for the state championship game.
“It puts a lot more pressure on us and every single game that we play. Hopefully we will be able to rise up to the challenge and be able to make it to the final game,” said Gould.
The team will compete in the state tournament on Fri. Oct. 17 and Sat. Oct. 18. The last two years the girls team got second in the state and they hope to repeat those results or improve from last year.
For more up-to-date information on Ohio water polo and the state tournament click here.