Platforms serve as focus in Aves Theater’s ‘The Odyssey’

Students in Acting Ensemble rehearse a scene from “The Odyssey.” They utilize the newly built platforms in their portrayal of the scene. Being four weeks away from opening night, the students are now starting to run scenes off book.
October 12, 2014
With opening night for “The Odyssey” only four weeks away, the set construction is well under way. Due to the representational aspect of this play, though, the set is limited, yet quite unique.
“The Odyssey set consists of a big semicircle platform with two ramps coming downstage on the sides,” said junior Max Poff.
These platforms will be used to represent the various settings, from the vast sea where Odysseus sails, to his home in Ithaca, to on of the many islands on which Odysseus spends time.
“I think our set has the potential to serve as so many purposes. It is just going to take quality acting on our part and an open mind from the audience,” said Poff.
The main platform is three feet high, which gives a variety of levels for the different scenes. As the scenes shift from island to island, a physical difference in location and height on stage will help differentiate for the audience.
“I have never performed in a show with platforms before, and I am excited to challenge myself by working with them,” said senior Evelyn Garrett.