Q&A with Sneha Rajagopal, 12, on teaching Indian dance
Sneha Rajagopal, 12, instructs an Indian dance class. Three times a week she teaches the class to girls ages five to 13. She enjoys watching the girls improve over time. Photo Courtesy of Sneha Rajagopal.
October 10, 2014
Q: When did you start teaching dance?
A: I’ve only been teaching at my local Indian dance studio since the summer. However, I’ve been learning dance there myself since I was little.
Q: Who do you teach and how often?
A: I teach girls between the ages of five and 13. I still go to class once a week to learn, and I teach three times a week. I think it is important to keep improving, both in regards to myself and the girls I teach.
Q: What type of dance do you teach?
A: The only type of dance that I actively learn is traditional Indian style dance and that is what my studio is catered towards, so that is what they learn.
Q: What is the most fulfilling part of teaching dance?
A: The most fulfilling part is watching the little kids I teach improve so much and it is because of something I did to help them. Also, they are all so enthusiastic; it makes it more relaxed and fun for me to teach.
To watch a video of one of Rajagopal’s dances, click here.