Boys tennis conditioning swings into session

One of the reasons why the boys tennis team was able to claim a State title in 2014 was due to the hard work they put in during the offseason. Coach Mike Teets has been holding before school conditioning sessions since his first year as head coach. The team will begin their quest to repeat as state champions in March 2015.
October 24, 2014
After a season that could not have been any better for the boy’s tennis team, they are back training for the 2015 campaign before school every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 a.m. in the Gregory Center.
Even though participation is not mandatory at these sessions, average attendance has exceeded the normal from the past. Over 25 aspiring players showed up at each of the four sessions so far.
“I am so excited to see everyone out of bed and at conditioning so early. It really shows what you are made of,” senior captain Nakul Narendran said.
Besides the normal activities like aviator push-ups, jump ropes, and running, conditioning will also have lighter days, so that the team can bond well and be together as if they are a family.
“It is great that conditionings are enjoyable sometimes. 95 percent of the time, we are all business. When I hear that we will play a game once in awhile, it makes me work harder so that I can help earn more game days,” sophomore Noah Stern said.
Some of the new activities include: capture the flag, basketball, and soccer.
“Conditioning is one of the reasons why we were able to have so much success last year. It has been proven that if you work hard, then benefits will come,” senior captain Deepak Indrakanti said