Five tips for completing your Family History Project

The Thanksgiving time is associated with turkey, shopping for Christmas, and the transition to Christmas music on the radio.

But for Accelerated World History students, Thanksgiving break and the weeks surrounding it, there is a mad scramble to complete one of the biggest projects they have been assigned.

As a sophomore who survived the Family History Project, I bring you some advice.

  1. Use a black trifold: The black makes the project look very sophisticated and empty space on a black board is somehow less noticeable than empty space on a white board.

Black also will match any color scheme you could possibly choose. Speaking of color schemes….

  1. Chose a cohesive color scheme: Try to stick with two to three colors; the color of your country’s flag is a great place for inspiration.

I would recommend using one color in the center of the board and another one for the sides of the trifold.

  1. Find heavy-duty glue sticks: Whatever glue sticks you can find in your basement won’t cut it. Make sure you use glue sticks that are reputable, like Elmer’s.

Scrapbook tape is another option, but it is not always as trusty as glue. I used scrapbook tape when I ran out of glue, and some of my papers were constantly falling off.

Glue sticks are not for throwing. While I was working on my board last year, I became frustrated and threw a glue stick at my board, which resulted in a noticeable dent. Thankfully, I covered it with a picture.

  1. Mat your pictures and paragraphs: Some teachers require this, but if not, I still recommend it. It takes time, but it looks amazing and very put-together.

If you are like me and cannot cut a straight line, even with a paper cutter, employ the help of your mom or another artsy family member. Keep in mind that most people are easily bribed with food.

  1. Reward yourself: Sometimes, a little chocolate is the best motivation. While you are getting supplies, pick up a couple chocolate bars. Each time you finish a panel, eat some chocolate.

Chocolate is also proved to reduce stress, so it is really benefiting you to take a chocolate break and maybe watch a TV show to reward yourself for your hard work.



Emily Tyler