Academic Quiz Team begins practices

McDaniel’s Photography

Like other sports, AQT requires quick reflexes and instincts. In addition, it tests a players knowledge and mental concentration. The team had its first meeting on Nov. 18.

Anna Zhou


When most people think of sports, they think of athletes dribbling across a court, runners sprinting around a track, or players running down a field. They see people with looks of intense concentration on their faces. This expression can also be seen on the faces of members of Academic Quiz Team (ACT).

“Although Academic Quiz Team does not create the physical exhaustion that other sports do, players still need quick reflexes and a concentrated mindset like all other athletes,” junior Katherine Dunn said.

On Nov. 4, new faces and old faces alike congregated in the IMC for the first AQT meeting. At the meeting, varsity coach, Mrs. Laura Newton, described the format of matches to the new members and introduced the new JV coach, Mr. Richard Reardon.

“I didn’t do AQT last year, but so many of my friends told me that being a part of the team was a really great experience. I decided to give it a try this year,” sophomore Sarah Sotropa said.

Both new and returning members are enthusiastic about the prospect of testing their knowledge and competing against other schools.

“Last year, we didn’t do as well as we could have, but I think we have a really strong team this year, so hopefully we have a successful season,” junior Julia Kumar said.

For more information about AQT click here