Educational systems compete for superiority
The United States placed 25th out of 30 countries in math and 21st in science. Thirty years ago, America was the leader in quantity and quality of high school diplomas. Today, our nation is ranked 18th out of 23 industrialized countries.
November 4, 2014
What do you think of school? One may think it is boring and useless or very exciting and helpful. American school systems are at an all-time high when it comes to education. But let us take a look at our foreign peers.
Finland is considered to have the best education system in the world. ‘Finland? What? That country that’s in Europe? Why them?’ So let me inform you as to why our education system just can’t compare.
A couple obvious factors are the fact that they get a lot more sleep than American students do. You cannot really work all that well if you spend all night on an AP assignment and then wake up at the crack of dawn.
Students in Finland also get twice as much play time as they do in America, which means more time to relax and feel less stressed out a school. When was the last time you remember going outside after lunch and playing around? Juniors and seniors probably do not.
Another thing about the education in Finland is that even if you are poor you can get access to high quality education. Where as in the United States in you are unfortunate enough to be born in a very poor household in a poor part of town, guess what your school is going to be like.
In Finland they put everyone in the same level, so that everyone in the grade learns the same thing. Schools across the country generally teach the same thing. That is what America is attempting to do with Common Core.
However you may be asking yourself “What if I need special help?” because everyone is not at the same level they test frequently and at an early stage so proper intervention can be taken.