JVA girls basketball: New name, same game

Junior Haley Rayburn is shooting a basket in a JV basketball game last year. Rayburn is now on Varsity for the school after being on JV last year. The GMC changed their name from JV to JVA and freshman teams to JVB. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Lauren Kurtzer, Feature chief

The beginning of any season starts with new hopes and aims for the time ahead, for JVA  girls basketball, the start comes with a new name and a coaching shuffle.

“I hope to have a winning record this season. We have a lot of talent on the team and everyone works really hard in practice but we have been held back because of injuries,” sophomore Laura Setser  said.

The team has started 1-2 and 1-1 in the Greater Miami Conference (GMC ) with 19 games left .

“A goal for me was to have fun and win some games. It is different from last year because it is more competitive and intense since there are a lot of spot competition and we are practicing with Varsity,” sophomore Abby Hallock said.

The coaching staff has had changes as well. Ms. Kristin Gilbert is the new JVB coach and Mr. Victor Harris is coaching JVA.

Mr. Dan Buchanan who coached the then freshman team now known as JVA last year is still helping coach all teams.

“I can see our potential as a team; we are working hard and always looking for improvement,” sophomore Lena Harper said.