NBA players debut ‘I Can’t Breathe,” shirts
In response to the death of Eric Garner, NBA players including Lebron James wore “I Can’t Breathe” shirts. Eric Garner died after police told him he could not sell cigarettes on the streets of New York. He died from a heart attack after his chest compressed.
January 9, 2015
An innocent man, who was selling cigarettes on the streets of New York City, was choked by numerous police officers.
“I just recently heard about this in the news, I am shocked I didn’t hear about it when it occurred in the summer but I believe that the police men were wrong in choking him to a point of death,” senior Adam Dock said.
Eric Garner died in Tompkinsville neighborhood in Staten Island, New York. Garner was initially approached by Officer Justin Damico on suspicion of selling “loosies”, single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps.
Garner expressed to the police that he was tired of being harassed and not selling cigarettes, the policeman arrested him anyway.
“It is just awful to hear news like this, this event and Ferguson make me sick to my stomach,” junior Zachary Max said.
He was tackled to the ground by four officers. He was heard yelling, “I can’t breathe” at least 11 times. He died from a heart attack resulting from neck and chest compression.
In response, NBA players such as Lebron James, Kevin Garnett, and Deron Williams wore “I Can’t Breathe,” warm-up jerseys before there game.
“I’m all for the professional athletes wearing these warm-up jerseys. If they to want show their political belief let it be,” sophomore Joshua Rosen said.
They were all disappointed in the fact that the officer, Damico, was not indicted on any charges. The NBA said they were not issuing fines to the players who wore the t-shirts.