Propaganda kills outspoken activist

(Courtesy of MCT campus) Boris Nemstrov ( far left ), a leader of the opposition in Russia. Nemtsovhas lead marches in downtown Moscow. The former deputy minister was shot multiple times by gunmen on a bridge just outside the Kremlin, Fri, Feb 27, 2015. It was the same bridge he was planning to lead a rally on.

Benjamin Brynjulfson-Reardon, Staff Writer

Thousands of people gather in Moscow, Russia, to mourn the loss of Boris Nemtsov, an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin, who was shot to death on a bridge just outside of the Kremlin on Friday Feb. 27.

Nemtsov was a  former deputy prime minister that turned away to oppose Putin and speak out against the injustices he said Putin commits against the Russian public.

”It is obvious that I will make a huge number of enemies among the industrial and financial oligarchy that now in many respects (who) control the situation in Russia,” Nemtsov said in a television interview quoted by The Times, ”As to what I have to do in Moscow now, that is the function of a kamikaze.”

Nemtsov was shot on Fri, Feb. 27, while walking over a bridge in the shadow of the Kremlin, the symbol of the government he openly opposed.

It is recorded that he was shot four times by an unknown gunman and police efforts seemed minimal.

“It’s just wrong, Boris is a politician and a citizen of Russia, he should be able to speak his mind and his opinions without fear of being killed, like he was,” freshmen Gregory Riven said.

Opinions are divided between thinking that Putin had ordered the assassination to make a statement against those who oppose him. Or, that toxic air made by Russian propaganda had caused an activist to take Nemtsovs’ life.

Entire false documentaries were made to say that Nemtsov was a part of a group trying to make a coup against the kremlin.

Nemtsovs’ phone was being constantly tapped and his location given away to youth activists that would pull pranks on him, some causing collateral damage, like dropping toilet seats onto his car.

Part of the banners at the rally after Nemtsovs’ death had statements like “Propaganda kills” and “Mass media are involved in the murder” because of the toxicity of the Russian media that uses propaganda saying twisted things about people it dislikes.

Currently Nemtsov did not have as much sway with opposition as he did in the 1990’s, but after his death the hope of his supporters is that more people will see the injustices and wrongs done to them as a society.

“Under Putin’s regime, citizens feel they cannot voice their discontent without feeling they’ll be retaliated against,” senior Emily Kelly said on the propaganda of Russia.