Boys tennis swings into action
These are the new courts at SHS. This is the first time the boys tennis team will be using the seven courts for tryouts. Tryouts are in less than a week.
March 15, 2015
Tryouts for boys tennis begins on Mon., March 9, weather permitting. Tryouts are after school during the entire week of Mar. 9-Mar. 13. Coach Michael Teets hopes to find a team that can repeat the state championship .
“I’m extremely excited about the upcoming season as we have a lot of talented players who have been working their tails off in the off season,” said Teets.
Players trying out will either make the Varsity A team, the Varsity B team, the Junior Varsity (JV) team, or be cut. There will be approximately 28 people who will make the team, with approximately seven on A, nine on B, and 12 on JV.
“I am really excited for the season, but I am a little nervous for tryouts,” said freshman Nikhil Sekar.
During tryouts, Teets will consider Gold Club (off season point system), morning conditioning, and of course, skill level. Players will take on other players and play matches to four.
“Placement on the teams is based on how players do in their challenge matches during tryouts. However, we will also consider their effort and participation in the off season when we need to decide between players who have similar results during tryouts,” said Teets.
Soon after tryouts are over, players will learn what team they have made, and will begin daily practices. Matches start after spring break for B and JV, while the A team has matches begin during Spring Break.