‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened’

Girls varsity basketball team reflects season

The girls varsity basketball team stands hand-in-hand during the National Anthem of their last home game against Princeton. Their season came to a close after a loss to Winton Woods in the first round of the tournament. Photo Courtesy of McDaniels Photography.

Lauren Saxon, Print Editor-In-Chief

Heads hung low as the final buzzer of the game sounded. The Varsity Lady Aves were defeated by the Winton Woods Warriors in the first round of the tournament by only five points. This loss ended the team’s season and was the last game for three seniors.

“I want to say a huge thank you to my team and everyone who made my past four years of basketball so special,” senior Erin Kroell said. “I’ll be green and gold ’till I die.”

Rather than focusing on the loss, the team reflected on both the season and careers of the senior players in the locker room after the game.

“It’s going to be weird coming to practice next year and not seeing some of the faces I’ve been coaching for four years,” assistant varsity coach Victor Harris said. “Seniors, you will be truly, truly missed.”

Although tears were shed upon the conclusion of the season, coaches encouraged the players to remain optimistic for the upcoming year.

“I told the girls a quote: ‘don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened’,” said assistant coach Dan Buchanan.

The Lady Aves finished with an overall record of 5-18, but head coach Derek Christerson often stated that their record did not reflect how good a team they really were.

The players’ previous attitude of defeat did not last long. In just a few short weeks, underclassmen and returning players will begin preparing for the 2015-2016 season.

The seniors, overwhelmed by all the positive friendships and memories they gained from SHS basketball, walked out of the locker room with their heads held high.