‘I travel the world and the seven seas’
Social studies teachers Andrew Ovington, Jen Hester, and Andrew Ostendorf have fun in front of the Eiffel Tower on last year’s trip. The informational meeting for next year’s trip is on April 14. At this meeting, the new location being added to the trip will be announced.
March 27, 2015
Spring break is just around the corner. And for students in European History AP, this means going on the annual AP Europe trip to the countries they have been studying about since the beginning of the year.
History teacher Mr. Andrew Ovington is in charge of the trip.
He has gathered a group of ten students, five freshmen and five sophomores, to help with the planning of the travel tour and to provide insight on how to make improvements for the trip for future students.
They meet once a month after school.
“The point of the group is to make the trip more about the students than in years past. I want it to be about doing what the kids are most interested in,” Ovington said.
“For the freshman in this group, this is a chance for them to see how the trip operates and prepare for next year.”
While there will be a new place added to the trip next year, for this year’s trip the places will remain the same. Students will be visiting London, Paris, Florence, Assisi, and Rome.
“I can’t wait until I get to go on the trip next year. It will be a great opportunity to explore different cultures and learn new things with all my friends,” freshman Yasmine Guedira said.
“The best part is actually seeing everything and experiencing them first-hand.”
The planning group has been building itinerary and travel packets, deciding the specific places students could go and any group activities. They are also preparing a checklist for the airport.
“I really enjoy working together with everyone. This is an awesome learning experience, and I like finding out more about Europe. At least when I travel there, I will know what places to see,” freshman Stephanie Hong said.
The trip will be ten days long, with students visiting famous sites such as Buckingham Palace, the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Sistine Chapel, and Colosseum.
“These meetings bring a whole new twist to the AP Euro trip. I like how we’re making it more fitting for everyone,” sophomore Drew Schneider said.
“It’s fun working with a group of people to add our own ideas and thoughts and bounce them off each other.”
Among the new ideas brought to light was social media communication. For the upcoming trip, this may be in the form of Remind101, sending trip updates to parents and students.
A major issue brought up was with finding Wi-Fi. At the last meeting, the group discussed travel apps that show trip information and Wi-Fi hotspots.
Ovington has also been thinking of creating a history club for all students at the high school, not just those taking AP Europe. However, the planning is still in its early stages.