U.S. and Israeli talks go nuclear
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talked in front of Congress on Mar. 3 2015. The speech was about trying to the United States to put sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program. The Iranian nuclear sights have reached 300 total available facilities. Photo courtesy of MCT Photo
April 15, 2015
Over the past month the United States and Israel have been discussing Iran’s most recent advancements in Iran’s nuclear arsenal. Since Jan. 14, two new nuclear facilities have been built and 14,175kg of enriched uranium has been produced.
“Iran poses the biggest risk to Israel. Their program should be more monitored than it currently is,” said freshman Joseph Polanski.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has urged the Obama administration to put restrictions forth against Iran to limit the amount of enriched uranium they can produce. Netanyahu fears that a nuclear Iran poses a threat to the state itself.
Since 2005 Iranian leaders have had vowed to destroy Israel and encourage Palestinian terrorists to keep killing Israelis. Currently Iran has built 60 missile silos, 100 confirmed nuclear warheads, and has over 400 facilities that deal with nuclear material and centrifuges.
“The only thing that could make Iran worse is if they achieved becoming a nuclear triad,” said sophomore Joseph Johnson.
It is unknown how many nuclear weapons Israel actually has in its arsenal but it is suspected that they have achieved a nuclear triad(http://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Nuclearweaponswhohaswhat). A nuclear triad is when a country can deliver a nuclear weapon either by an intercontinental ballistic missile, a warhead launched from a plane, or a submarine launch missile.
“The total number of weapons a potential nuclear superpower has should be kept secret. It poses a risk to many countries around the world,” junior Maxwell Brown said.
Netanyahu spoke in front of Congress on March 3, 2015 over Iran’s nuclear program. The Obama administration refused to watch the speech that Netanyahu presented thus ignoring the only real ally America has in the region. The U.S. and Iran have talked previously about the topic and repeatedly Barack Obama has sided with the Iranians on the issue.
With the most recent election taking place in Israel, Netanyahu’s party won the majority of seats and the one issue they will be focusing on is the protection of Israel no matter what that entails. Previously Iranian leaders have accused Israel of killing their nuclear scientists and destroying nuclear sites.
There is only one recorded instance of when Israel destroyed a nuclear facility that was connected to Iran. It took place in 1981 when the Israeli Air force bombed a nuclear site in Iraq. The bombing killed 20 Iranian scientists.