Next year’s Europe planning begins
“I try to be as organized as possible. I try to let everyone know what is happening and be clear. If there are any grey areas please be sure to email me and ask,” Ovington said.
April 20, 2015
Each year, AP European History teacher, Andrew Ovington successfully pushes his students around the world during spring break. Ovington, having finished up the trip for the year, has already begun preparing for the next.
“It is a valuable opportunity to travel. To me, what makes this trip rewarding is the life experience given that they might not get an opportunity like this until they are in college or even after.” Ovington said.
An informational meeting for parents was held on April 14, and Ovington introduced the trip to the parents of upcoming sophomores. Throughout the presentation, the parents learned about pricing, stops, and expectations.
“There will be guided tours and set times, but that does not mean they do not truly experience the city. There is still some open time for the students during lunch and many cultural opportunities involved,” Ovington said.
Unlike last year’s trip, not only will students travel throughout London, England, Paris, France, Florence, Italy, and Rome, Italy, but an additional stop in Normandy, France.
“Everything in Europe is smaller. The food is smaller. The clothes are smaller. The hotels are smaller. It may be a bit of a culture shock for the students. It is quite the experience,” Ovington said.