Booker T. Washington
Today, there is still a difference between black and white educations. The schools with students that live in poverty tend to be predominantly black. The dropout rate in secondary education is higher for black males over white males.
April 24, 2015
Booker T. Washington was an African-American educator and author. He was part of the last generation to be born into slavery. Washington went to Tuskegee University in Alabama which was a historically black college.
One of his major accomplishments was the Atlanta Compromise of 1895. The compromise was an agreement between Washington and other black leaders to submit to white political rule if blacks were given formal education and fair due process of law.
Washington contributed to major educational help for blacks, allowing them to become a step closer to being equal to white educational standards.
His philosophy did not live long after his death. However since his autobiography “Up from Slavery” was published his ideas views about economic standings have lasted in African-American thought today.
Kamaria Walton