Improvements coming to the Gregory

McDaniel's Photography

Sophomore Kamaria Walton runs at a Cross Country meet. Teams like Cross Country would benefit from a new outdoor track. However, many students believe that there is nothing wrong with the track we have now.

Emilie King, Staff Writer

On March 4 there was a staff meeting held on campus. There, they announced that the faculty was planning on improving the outdoor track.

The track will be replaced next to the Gregory center and will cost around 11,000 dollars.

“The track would be a safer running surface and would be cleaner if we got a new one,” freshman Nicholas Allen said.

The new track would be utilized by a myriad of sports teams as well as physical education classes. The project name now is the “Sycamore High School Track Replacement Project” and will run over the course of the next school year.

However, some students believe that the track we have should not be replaced.

“It wouldn’t [benefit the school to have a new track], we already have a functioning track. Unless we need a track of different size, or a different aspects, why should we get another?” freshman Adrian Oliver said.

Other students believe that the investment is better suited elsewhere.

“I think the school is stupid with putting their money into the athletics of the school. The school should be spending their money on books and the art department. Many of the art teachers have to get their supplies out of their own paychecks. And I don’t even have a math textbook to take home. My class has one set that we all have to share with the other bells,” freshman Sarah Gilmore said.