Q&A with junior Maya Sheth about running the Flying Pig Half-Marathon
May 6, 2015
Q: Why did you decide to run the half-marathon?
A: Between swim seasons I ran a little and really enjoyed it. I wanted to accomplish something that would require mental and physical strength and had always heard good things about the flying pig, so I decided to try it out.
Q: What did you do to train?
A: I ran five to ten miles every day, generally on the lower side. I also lifted and three weeks before, swimming had started so I swam as well.
Q: Do you think it was better to run with a friend or would you have preferred to run alone?
A: I ran with two of my friends and it was definitely encouraging to do it with friends. However, we split up in the middle and it was still good. I think having people there to get excited for it beforehand was important.
Q: What did you think of the course?
A: The course was much harder than I expected. There were about three miles in the middle that were uphill. However, the end was very downhill and flat which was a nice break.
Q: What were your overall impressions? Were you overwhelmed by the number of people there?
A: I was super glad I did it. It was inspiring to see the masses of people. It was overwhelming to see everyone in front of me but also encouraging because I was always trying to pass the next person in front of me.
Q: How did you feel when you crossed the finish line?
A: To be honest, I was so tired from sprinting the last two miles that I wasn’t thinking at all. I just remember not being sure if I even had to keep running or not. Then the endorphins kicked in and it was wonderful.
Q: Do you plan on running it next year? What will you do differently to prepare for the race?
A: Hopefully I’ll be able to train enough to run the full next year, but we’ll see how it goes. I definitely want to work on my pacing more and go on more long runs. I will keep going to Sharon Woods because the hills are good preparation.