Utilizing technology: Top 5 study tools


Image by Atiya Dosani

SHS students use Quizlet to study for tests and quizzes, and review for classes. Quizlet is also useful because of the free app that can be downloaded on iPhones and other smart phones. “I have Quizlet on my phone which is really good because it allows me to study for AP Psychology vocabulary quizzes at any time during the day,” senior William Hobart said.

  1. Quizlet

Rather than spend time writing out flashcards to study, Quizlet is a convenient and easy way to study flashcards. You can create your own or search for other users’ study sets, which can save plenty of time. Quizlet offers a variety of ways to study your flashcards, other than the traditional method.

  1. Calc Chat

For help with math, Calc Chat provides solutions to the odd numbered problems on your math bookwork. Simply select the book your class uses, the chapter, section, and problem, and Calc Chat gives a step-by-step solution.

  1. Word Reference

While Google Translate is known for often providing incorrect or misleading translations, Word Reference is an accurate, useful tool for anyone studying foreign languages.

  1. Google+ Hangouts

Google+ Hangouts is a simple tool to help students collaborating on assignments or projects. It offers instant messaging and video chat, with the option to share screens. Google Docs can also be used to share and simultaneously work on assignments.

  1. Khan Academy

With short video lectures on a range of topics, Khan Academy is useful for helping students understand specific concepts. The website focuses on math and science, but still includes topics such as economics and history.