Affirmative action discriminating students
Teacher Svetlana Djananova monitors students as they take an ACT test. Affirmative action is said to be a “positive discrimination,” but what it actually does is discriminate the minority. This illustrates how US has flaws in their Civil Rights Acts.
October 28, 2015
The United States has exceeded other countries with her equal opportunities and freedom. No matter what race, background, or gender a person belongs to, everyone has equal rights, according to the Civil Rights Acts.
This is a myth.
Affirmative action in colleges separates students into different factions based on their races, backgrounds, and genders,and sets a certain quota for each faction that today brings controversy due to the deviation from its original intent for equality.
For example, Harvard University allocates 21.3 percent of its total admission to students who are identified as “Asian-American.” This means that a student identified as Asian-American” only has a 21.3 percent chance of acceptance into Harvard.
The affirmative action indeed has helped to promote diversity in colleges. However, this possibly brings in “reverse discrimination,” making it harder for students with a certain race, gender, or background that is considered “more educated” to be accepted.
According to research done by Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Walton Radford of RTI International, a non-profit organization that specializes in research, students identified as “Asian-American” had to score 140 points higher on their SATs to gain admission to prestigious colleges than white students.
Freshman Max Guo said, “If a school wants their students to be more academic, they should select students based off of their educational accomplishments, not based off of background, race, or gender.”
Such treatment for students may impose discrimination and unfairness to society and eventually erode the principle of equality that this nation fundamentally stands for.
For the creation of an equal society, colleges should solely select students based on their academic accomplishments. Not by their race, background, or gender.