Varsity football: awaiting Mason

McDaniel’s Photography

Now junior quarterback Jake Borman is getting the huddle ready before a play during last year’s game v Mason on Oct. 31, 2014. SHS ended up winning the game and stopped Mason from making the playoffs. The team looks to do it again this year but not on their home turf.

Caroline Veraldo, staff writer

ave-caveMcDaniel’s Photography
Remember last year’s Halloween football game against Mason? The tweets, the costumes, and the fantastic 36-0 win. On Oct. 30th, the football team hopes to repeat it all over again.

The only difference is that it will be away at Mason. It does not matter if it is home or away, the SHS varsity football team still wants the support of a rowdy “Ave Cave” at all of their games.

Junior Grant Young said, “It is our biggest game, and the game when we have the most pressure on us. Having our friends and family there to support us makes it ten times better.”

This game is not just any normal game; it is special because it is a cross-town rivalry. This rivalry, commonly called the “Battle of the Skies.”

Junior Jacob Locke said, “It’s always a huge game for us since they’re our biggest rival. We took them out of the playoffs last year, which was great. Now we hope to win for the fourth year in a row!”

This game has additional importance other than just the rivalry.

Junior Joshua Feld said, “It will most likely decide if we get into the playoffs or not, so it will be bigger than any previous years. We have held the battle of the skies trophy for a few years and we don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon.”

One of the most famous aspects of last year’s game were the tweets “roasting” Mason. Some of the most noteworthy tweets included “Mason double dips” and “Mason doesn’t have fight song Fridays.”

Many students plan on continuing the Twitter legacy and repeating it again this year, as well as the Halloween attire.