Ski club prepares to elect new officials
Perfect North typically opens once the weather gets cold enough to blow snow onto the slopes. This is usually around the end of Nov. or early Dec. The Ski Club will go out every Tues. unless the school is on break or has a snow day, although they can still go out on those days by themselves.
December 1, 2015
Skiers and snowboarders part of the club are approaching the start of their season at Perfect North and are beginning to think about who is going to help lead them in the upcoming months.
Sophomore Gabby Yun said, “I haven’t really been out to Perfect North much in recent years but I would like to get back out on skis. Or even try a snowboard, which I have been wanting to do for a long time.”
On Tues Oct. 27, the group met in Mrs. Kimberly Cooper‘s room to discuss both the subject of picking officials that will help organize meetings, as well as a club logo and what spirit wear to purchase.
Yun said, “Even though I am not the most creative person, there was some really cool designs that other people had come up with that we could use for the logo.”
The officials were given a speech that they had to prepare about how they thought they could help improve Ski Club, and those will be given at the next meeting, as well as the final officials actually being picked.
Yun said, “I really hope that I get to go out more than a couple times this year because I really want to be able to improve my skills and get to the bigger hills like Center Stage.”