Practicing in the heat
Senior Marisa Koster has a stress reaction in the metatarsal of her foot. She participated at the Lebanon invitational Saturday September 5th. Through the pain, she crossed the finish line. Also pictured, Michelle Siddiqui.
September 9, 2015
The girls cross country team showed extreme dedication this past week. Although it is September, the temperatures are not nearly as chilly as expected this fall. Rather than staying warm in long sleeves, girls are drenched in tank top and shorts.
Senior Ali Garcia said, “Even just during warm-ups my shirt is already soaking wet with sweat! It’s ridiculous.”
The runners are too hard working to let the heat get to them. On Saturday September 5th there was a meet at Lebanon High School, which took place in very high temperatures, much like the ones the team had been practicing in.
Senior Maddie Driscoll said, “The heat wasn’t fun but the team is so supportive; we all helped and inspired each other to stay positive and keep working.”
Due to their hard work, juniors Allison Kossen and Jessica Wocks won eighth place for the varsity race and first place in the open race. The team’s combined scores placed them in second place amongst all of the schools.
Despite extreme temperatures, injured runners, and other hardships, the team has not been affected. They practice daily after school from 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm, no matter the weather condition, except for thunder and lightning.
Freshman Peyton Gilhart said, “I limped half the race because I love running; running is life who ever needs anything else, you don’t need food, rest, water, just running.”
Like any sport, cross country requires dedication and perseverance. These girls have exhibited just that this past week at practices and the meet.