Is the ACE Bell really working for students and teachers?


During lunch and ACE bell our time is counted down to the minute. A lunch starts at 11:36 a.m. and B lunch starts at 12:06 p.m. Within that we have fifteen minutes of reading without devices out.

All of us take 15 minutes every day to simply read during school. We are not allowed to use electronics or do homework. Teachers and administrators believe this will help test scores.
Mr. Benjamin Tilton, who teaches Algebra 1 Honors, Algebra ll A & B, and C Academic, and Academic Pre-Calculus said, “I think this reading time with benefit students by hopefully fostering habitual reading for their lifetimes.”
However, what do the students think? After a couple weeks out settling into the new schedule what do the students want? Do they like this relaxed hour?
Freshman Allie Albrecht said, “I only read if it is assigned, like ‘Mosquitoland.’ ACE Bell doesn’t provide a good break because we cannot relax, but teachers make us read.”
Tilton said,“In my ACE bell we all read the same book, and I get suggestions from the English Department. It forms bonds in a class and as readers and learners that read a book to provide good discussion”
Administrators and teachers claim that reading will improve test scores, but Albrecht said,“Test scores will not improve because we don’t get a chance to have a real break and focus.”
Do all the teachers believe that the daily 15 minute reading period will improve test scores and provide a nice break for students to relax? Should teachers have to read during the time as well or is it only for students?
Tilton said, “Students rather play on their phones or do homework and sometimes I rather get my work done, I know we must read during this time. Even teachers should read because if students have to read so should I.”
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