Jogging their memories of the best running experiences
Frehsman Olivia Anaple, Sophomore Jodie Jawson, Junior Allison Kossen and Senior Grace Anaple are enjoying one of their weekly pasta parties. Some of the teammates brought old t-shirts and scissors to make good luck shirts for the upcoming meet.
October 21, 2015
As cross-country ends, the runners remember their fun times. On Tuesday, Oct. 20, the coaches, parents of senior athletes and other athletes gathered to recognize the graduating runners and reflect on the best parts of the season during senior night.
Junior Allison Kossen collected money and hand written letters from her teammates to give to senior athletes. Kossen said, “It was really hard work to get everything together, but I love the girls so much, I didn’t mind doing it.”
The letters from the non-seniors were all put together in a decorated box along with some candy. The letters had jokes on them, favorite memories, and prayers of good luck for the seniors in their futures outside of high school.
Sophomore Jaslyn Johnson-Davis said, “I almost cried while I wrote mine, I didn’t anticipate it being that emotional. They have been my best friends for years, I should have expected it I guess.”
Senior night was an emotional time for the girl’s team, but they do not have to part ways just yet. Junior Varsity runs on Thursday, Oct. 22, and the top Varsity girls are running their last meet on Oct. 24.
Freshman said, “Most of them I met this year, but I’ll definitely still be super sad on Saturday. Even though I am not running Varsity, I wouldn’t miss supporting my team for anything.”
Hewitt and other freshmen are realizing the types of relationships made through sports teams are long lasting, and often it feels like you have known your teammates forever.
Team players are finding it hard to say goodbye, but due to their friendships outside of practice and meets, the do not have to part ways just yet. After all, it is only three months into the school year.