Marching band teaches students important life lessons
The guard practices movement three with red shiny flags. This piece will finish off this year’s show titled, “That’s a stretch”. Movement three also has PVC props and features a fast tempo.
October 14, 2015
It takes dedication to practice for hours and hours, and give up most Fridays and Saturdays from October to November. However, this group takes it all in with love and respect.
Their season lasts longer than most fall sports, stretching from the beginning of summer to mid- November, and they practice late into the evenings under the stars and bright and early on Saturday mornings.
However, ask anyone in band why they do it. Maybe it will be the friends, maybe it is the music, maybe it is to try something new, or maybe even to get involved in school, it could even be all of the above.
Sophomore Andrea Vaughn said, “I like marching band because you meet a lot of new people and make a lot of new friends”
This activity takes strong dedication, but look no further to learn skills that will carry you forward and move you along as a person. Important traits such as time management, respect, cooperation, confidence, and much more.
Senior Rosie Hou said, “Originally I did not want to do marching band but then Mr. Frank told me that the rest of the flutes were not doing marching band. After I joined, I loved the atmosphere and I loved my section”.
It opens the door to important life lessons that otherwise would be under lock and key, try having around 100 other kids counting on you to try your best and know your part, no other sport possesses that challenge.
According to the National Association of Music Parents, “Music programs give our students practice and experience in skills that reach far beyond musical notes and instruments. The kids don’t realize that they are getting experience in so many non-musical life-skills that will have positive impacts as they become adults”.
For many, this sport made them the person they are today, and gave them the skills to stay on track throughout high school. So ask someone in marching band why they do it, and maybe the answer will surprise you.