Homecoming around the corner
Students danced last year on homecoming night. The dance was on Saturday, the day after the football game. This year the weekend will follow the same schedule.
September 16, 2015
Student council is planning a weekend for their peers. Similar to the ‘around the world’ homecoming theme, students are running around the school working together to complete all the planning and preparation. All the committees have lists of tasks.
Head of all committees, junior Renee Foster said about homecoming preparation, “It’s a very stressful time for all committees; there’s a lot that has to go on. Each committee plays a vital role in making sure the event turns out successful.”
Committees range from tailgate planning to decorations and spirit week. Freshman Aria Oliver said,” I am not completely sure if we’ve ordered all the decorations but we know what we need to order.”
This planning requires an entire group’s help. There are details to be considered requiring the efforts of more than one person. Senior Maddie Driscoll said, “I planned last year’s homecoming but each year it’s still hard work and needs cooperation.”
Homecoming includes a spirit week competition, pep rally, parade, tailgate, football game, and the dance on Saturday evening. The event is six days, from Sept. 28th to Oct. 3rd, but preparations have been going on for over a month already.
The event preparation has made progress, but still has aspects in need of attention. The members of student council will not prove satisfied until the week is planned out to every detail.