A couple of weeks ago on Nov. 4, the boys baseball team began weight lifting. At 2:30 p.m. in the Gregory Center, students from all grades went to the center to begin training for tryouts, which will occur in February. Lifting happens three times per week: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
There were a couple of workouts that have been steadily used, including back squats, Nordic hams, pull-ups, front squats, and dips.
Of course, at the end of the lifting session, there is a team workout. In the team workout, there are a lot of different varieties of sit-ups used, and also some other activities involving weights. This workout is called by some the most grueling part of the training and lifting session.
Students had some reactions to the beginning of lifting.
Joe Craig, 9, thought that lifting was a good thing. “I think that lifting gives me a chance to become fit and in good shape for the upcoming season,” he said. Craig is one of many freshman who are trying out for the team, but Craig’s goal is not just to make the freshman team.
“I am going to go and try my best and hopefully make Junior Varsity,” he said.
All in all, lifting gives student-athletes a chance to improve their strength and skills while at the same time, having a little fun.