Hopes are high as school winds down
Seniors cheered and got hyped at the Homecoming Pep Rally. The Firecrackers could not perform due to their busy schedule. Instead, math teacher Benjamin Tilton led the students in school spirit.
March 4, 2016
The juniors of Student Council decided during winter to host a color run. During the 3.1 mile run, washable powder-type paint would be thrown on students, creating a fun cloud of color on their white shirts.
After making spring committees official, the topic resurfaced again, however this time with a different viewpoint.
Junior Matthew Miller said, “I thought it would be a good idea, and it still is, but it just needs a lot more planning. Maybe next year that committee can be winter and spring. But for this year, we just don’t have the time.”
With or without the color run, the color run committee needs to be occupied with another event. Instead, they are considering a paint war. The paint would be a powder substance, so easy to clean and safe.
Currently students are in search of an open date to have their paint war. They are still working out the logistics of the paint event, but they are also hoping to have a pep rally the same afternoon.
Junior Cora Bennett said, “We want to have a pep rally mainly so the Firecrackers can come perform. The whole school loves them and they usually come but haven’t yet this year. They take jump roping to a new level. Our only problem is the end of the school year is super busy with senior events and exams.”
If the neither the paint war or pep rally occurs this spring, the juniors will come up with a fun alternative. Junior Jacob Spiegel said, “We will figure something out one way or another. We have to end the school year epically.”