Sporting to fight sickness
Lay Ups for Lauren was an event organized to raise money for cancer research. Students spun in ten circles and shot a layup with their left hand to simulate the difficulty that Lauren had playing basketball with a brain tumor. Lauren Hill died at age 19 while fighting brain cancer.
April 5, 2016
April showers supposedly bring more flowers. The month of April also draws special attention to cancer, as it is known as Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. Beginning on Apr. 1 is a seven day period known as Testicular Cancer Awareness Week.
The members of student council, whether directly affected by this or any type or cancer or not, decided to dedicate a number of days to raise awareness and money for Testicular Cancer. Students are currently brainstorming fundraising approaches.
Junior Renee Foster said, “Mr. Corattiyil approached me and presented the idea of having a basketball game where students play teachers. You would buy a raffle ticket for maybe one dollar and then we would pick players out of a hat.
The fundraising part would come from the raffle tickets sold, since people would buy more for a better chance of being picked, and also the tickets we would have for sale to enter the game.”
Students are also considering having a volleyball game, similar to Hoops for Hope and Kick it for MS. All three sporting events aim to entertain an audience while raising awareness and profits for donations.
Junior Sydney Klein said, “Mr. Corattiyil’s suggested a good time to have the basketball game would be right after AIR testing. I personally agree because everyone will be tired and want to just relax on their last day after testing.”
The goal of the potential basketball game is also to give students a break after AIR testing, as Corattiyil explained to Student Council Members. AIR testing lasts one week, and is shortly followed by AP exam testing as well.
Senior Sophia Wiedmann said, “I’m not taking the AIR tests since I’m a senior but I’ve taken standardized tests before and I know that no one would turn down a fun break after a week of those tests.”
As plans come together and details are figured out, an official date will be released for the basketball game. No plans are definite as of right now, but Student Council students hope to beat cancer and staff members.