AP exams take toll on students
European History is many students’ very first AP exam. Shruti is seen studying using the Princeton review book. Over four years, the cost of review books can become a really hefty cost.
April 13, 2016
As the end of the school year draws to a close, students begin to feel the pressure of end of the year exams. While freshman are currently on the verge of AIR testing, upperclassmen are preparing for AP exams.
Advance placement classes offer student the ability to gain college credit and can result in thousands of dollars saved over the course of a college education. These high stakes result in a very stressed student body .
Sophomore Shruti Mishra said,“I can’t believe exams are only one month away. I feel like there is still a ton of material that I need to revise”
There are a total of 37 AP courses that college board offers and Sycamore offers over 20 AP classes. Students cam also choose to self study subjects and then take the exam in May even though they have not taken the course at school.
Mishra said, “After today’s registration, the exam has begun to feel a lot more real and this is my first AP exam, so I’m really nervous”
There are students who feel that stress of exams are not worth it and choose not to take some exams for the classes they are taking.
Junior Akshara Kapoor said, “I decided against taking my AP Physics I exam because I was already taking physics again next year and thought I would just take that course’s exam”
Here are some tips that can help reduce stress while preparing:
Don’t try to cram all the information at once take breaks in between study sessions.
Try studying with a pet around it has been proven that they aid with anxiety, and…
Remind yourself that in the end it is just a test