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Shakespeare, also called the “Baron of Avon,” was born in Apr. 1564 and died on Apr. 23, 1616. He was married to Anne Hathaway with three children, all who he left in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom when he went to London. He is known as one of the greatest English writers of all time.
April 25, 2016
In English 9 Accelerated students are testing their skills with translating William Shakespeare’s unique style of the English language with “Romeo and Juliet”. Reading in class they have assignments to complete outside of class.
Mr. Daniel Frank, a freshman academic English teacher, assigned projects including sociograms, character profiles, poster scenes, etc. Not all of the scenes are assigned, only the key scenes are mandatory. Every other part of the Acts are optional.
Shakespeare has made a significant impact on the English language. He has created his own style of sonnets, even formed his own words. His work includes a wide variety of literary devices including alliteration, foreshadowing, and personification of death.
Junior Liz Izworski said, “Shakespeare is very honest in his writing and he forms a different realm for it, you can get lost in it. That is why so many people enjoyed it in his time period.”
Centuries after his death his works are still famous. Children are aware of the ending of “Romeo and Juliet” before they know how to do long division.
Izworski said, “His writing changed literature, and he became the template for everyone else.”
Spin-offs and adaptations are made to try to capture the genius that lies in Shakespeare’s works. Even those who are not fans of poems can admit to his massive knowledge and application of that intelligence to his extensive list of works.
In accelerated, students complete writer’s notebook prompts. Their final assessment will include dissection of literary devices, quotes, etc. from the play “Romeo and Juliet.” There will also be an on-demand essay.
Students in accelerated will also become characters straight out of the play in Act three.
Later in the year, freshman will watch “Taming of the Shrew” and “Ten Things I Hate About You.” The former is a Shakespeare play and the later is a modern adaption off of the former.
Izworski said, “Shakespeare has stood the test of time because he addresses things that people wanted answered and emotions.”