Slowing down before summer
Every year the PTO organizes a senior picnic. Students play games, play on bounce houses and are provided food. In the past there has been barbecue, chips, fruit and salad to eat. This is one of the few events that Student Council does not plan for the students.
May 4, 2016
Student Council seniors and underclassmen alike are reaching an end slowly. The school year is winding down which means there are less and less activities and events to be planned. The events that have yet to come are organized mostly by the PTO.
Junior Sydney Klein said, “Well we still have prom, and I think one more small event. There’s just not much time left in the school year with graduation and AP testing and exam prep week for exams.
All of that is planned by PTO anyway, not Student Council, which is nice because then the seniors aren’t planning their own picnic and service project.” Even if the Student Council were in charge of planning those events, the seniors would not contribute much.
The Student Council seniors do not have senioritis, but rather they are trying to sit back at the end of the year and let the younger students take charge. Afterall, they will not be here next year to guide them.
Senior Tyler Miller said, “It is not a scary job since they have been doing it all year, but I feel like there’s just automatically more pressure on you when you become a senior.
So we’re just overseeing things but letting the underclassmen do most of the work. There isn’t a single senior committee head, but it’s not like there haven’t been underclassmen committee heads in the past. It’s just completely underclassmen now.”
After prom planning has passed, there will not be much left to do.
Freshman Elizabeth Van Den Brink said, “We have two study halls a week now. We don’t need extra committee days since all of them are finished, and only the sophomores are having an event so we don’t need a ton of class days.”
Although the year and work load is slowing down now for Student Council, they will pick up right where they left off when school begins again, and will aim to have a very productive and efficient 2016-2017 school year.