Advanced Placement sweeps students

The end of the year appears to be coming close as Advanced Placement (AP) classes are beginning to wind down. The AP tests are taking place May 2 through May 13.
Senior Christina Caporale said, “I have five AP tests this year so after I finish those the year will really be done. I hope that I will be able to use these test to place out of some of my college general education requirements.”
AP tests can be taken as a college credit. The acceptance of these credits depends on the university and the score the individual receives. Many of the high level universities are moving towards not accepting any credits or only accepting fives.
Senior Joshua Pelberg said, “I’m attending Northwestern University next year so I need a five on most of tests in order for Northwestern to take them. They accept very few threes or fours.”
AP tests are written by the college board and must be taken on the same day nationally. This means that some students will have to take two AP tests in the same day. In addition, there is only one AP make-up day and it is a different test than the one given on the main day.
Sycamore has the tests administered in either the Gregory Center or in room 233 depending on the number of students taking the test. Students must bring a photo ID, a pen, a pencil, and a calculator (if applicable).