SHS renovating pool
SHS’ pool is home to several teams including Cincinnati Marlins eastern location, and SHS’ swim team, and girls and boys water polo teams. The latest high school pool renovation was at Princeton’s High School.
May 9, 2016
Sycamore has the oldest aquatic facility out of all the teams in the GMC. Sycamore will be renovating its pool facility in the summer of 2016. Some of these renovations will include, new tiling, repainted pool, a new audio system, and a new ceiling.
Sycamore’s swimming and water polo teams have faced problems with the pool for the past couple years, in 2014 the pool got drained during the water polo season because there were some problems with the lights under the pools.
In the swim season 2014-2015 the chlorine levels malfunctioned and became really high, which made it difficult to breathe in, the swimmers had to move for a weekend and practice at Keating.
Sophomore Abigail Hausfeld said, “It’s really great we’re getting a new practice facility, it will help us so we won’t have any problems anymore that will keep us out of practice and out of the water.”
The pool renovation should start soon after the conclusion to the school year. The renovations should go up until around the start of school in the 2016-2017 school year.
Freshman Mallory Lefton said, “We might not be able to practice in the pool as early as we normally do, but when the pools done it will be worth it to have a brand new facility.”
The pool was built around 1974, and the facility has been nearly the same since besides minor tweaks through the years.
Freshman Sarah Wertheim said, “The pools been the same for a long time, I’m really excited to see what it looks like after renovations and to play in it next year.”
To see some action in the pool next year stop by during the fall for boys and girls water polo games, and in the winter for swimming and diving.