Winter guard stuns parents, friends

Natalie Brinkman

The winter guard groups gets ready for the performance on April 30th. The group practiced and performed in the Little Theatre. The song they danced to was “Falling” by Florence and the Machines.

Natalie Brinkman, Print Co-Editor

The Spin Club has come to its conclusion, the recital took place on Sat. April 30th.

The group rehearsed and performed in the Little Theatre on the stage, which is quite different from the marching season.

About half of the group members have never tried winter guard before, picking up new skills and friends along the way.

Senior Rosie Hou said, “I’ve never really danced or anything before, so spinning flags and learning choreography on a weekly basis was really strange for me to get used to. Before marching band, I played tennis and I did a little bit of indoor rowing. But winter guard took a lot of body control that I hadn’t had to use.”

The song they performed to was “Falling” by Florence and the Machines, a song with dynamic tempo changes and soft lyrics.

Sophomore Andrea Vaughn said, “I enjoyed learning a new aspect of band that I had never experienced before.”

They did their whole recital twice for parents and friends who attended, with a small break in between.

The girls wore white and black tunics, while the boys wore black pants and white shirts.

Sophomore Sara Cohen said, “I really liked our costumes this season because they were pretty and they matched the theme of our show and fit really well with the song.”

Overall, this season served its purpose as a learning tool for the actual marching band season and introduced a lot of new people to the world of color guard.

Try outs for color guard will be held mid-May, posters and announcements for that will be announced soon.