Halloween provides fearful situations

McDaniel’s Photography

Senior Halloween is a day for seniors to embrace the tricks and treats of the season of fear. While most seniors choose to embrace the treat, there are always a handful of students that attempt to scare and interact with underclassmen. Halloween provides ample opportunities for those who love to wallow in fear.

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director

Fear is defined as the emotional reaction to danger. While it may seem like human instinct to run away from possible danger, humans often enjoy the rush it provides, especially around Halloween. Roller coasters, scary movies, skydiving, and haunted houses can all provide accurate-yet safe-sources of fear.
When afraid, a rush of adrenaline, hormones, and chemicals develops in the body. Thus, fear has unique side effects unlike any other emotion. Sweating, pounding heart, shortness of breath, and dry throat are all possible side effects of fear.
Dry throat occurs due to the fact that other parts of the body require fluids during this time. So, fluids are “borrowed” from the throat.
While some experience a huge rush of dopamine, others only experience a slight release. The amount of dopamine released may impact how fear feels and therefore whether or not it is an enjoyed emotion.
“I just think [fear] is fun and it keeps you interested.” said Adam Pelberg, 10.
People tend to enjoy the relief at the end of scary movies or haunted house because they know it is over. On the other hand, some people do not find comfort in this feeling and therefore do not enjoy putting themselves in fearful situations.

“I don’t love scary movies. It’s not the worst thing in the world but I just don’t find it that fun to be scared.” said Samantha Miller, 10.
At the end of the day, a person’s enjoyment of fear is like anything else; different for everybody.