Changing into halloween
This is one of the many groups that dressed up together. The TSA stopped and checked students in the hallways as well as blocked of the stairs/ hallways. They included other kids from different grade levels which made it 10 times more fun.
November 14, 2016
Senior Halloween was a great event for the whole school but especially the Freshman and Seniors. There were many different types of costumes as well as groups. The best part was that the Seniors even involved the younger grades by either the planets going after them or the TSA catching them.
Personally, I wasn’t expecting to have too much fun going from class to class. But I couldn’t wait for the bells to ring to I could be caught by a senior. Some seniors like the TSA or the construction site workers blocked off the stairs or hallways so you had to take the long way to class.
“Senior Halloween was the best day of this entire school year. I would repeat Senior Halloween every day if I could. I was caught a bunch of times getting a chance to skip a few minutes of class” said Lilly Abner 9.
“I really didn’t care when people were telling me ‘I can’t wait for Senior Halloween’ but right when I walked into the school and saw two dinosaurs I was immediately excited and couldn’t wait to get to the Gym to see the rest of the show. On my way I saw Hillary Clinton, Donald Drumpf, penguins, construction men” said Madison Humphrey 9.
“Senior Halloween was a success. It was so much fun and I already know what I’m going to do when I become a Senior. Can’t wait for Senior prank day” said Noella Black 9.
Overall everyone loved Senior Halloween so much. It was really fun and I can’t wait for next year.