Pep rally sparks spirit
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
November 17, 2016
FLYING HIGH. SHS Dance Team, the Flyerettes strike a pose at the end of their dance routine. The girls performed a mashup of “Partition by Beyonce and “Salute” by Little Mix. “The season is just beginning and I cannot wait for us to keep improving and performing for the Aviators,” said London Brinkman, 10.
HOLD ON. Sophomore tug of war team attempts to take down the freshman. From left, Ellen Connolly, Alysea Jenkins, Evan McCarthy, and Youngbin Lee are featured. The team one the preliminary round, but lost to the seniors in the finals. “I had a great time and was glad I was selected to play,” said Youngbin Lee, 10.
SO SENIOR. Adorned in their senior class shirts, seniors spend a few moments sitting during the pep rally. Generally, pep rallies are comprised of little to no standing with the exception of watching the Flyerettes and other performances.
EYES ON ME. The pep rally leader, Mr. Benjamin Tilton, rallies the students’ excitement. Mr. Tilton started to lead pep rallies last year. He has been successful in getting students off their feet.