Two Protests, One Day
Lydia Masset, Staff Writer
December 7, 2016
STANDING TALL. Protesters march through the streets of downtown Cincinnati in response to the president elect Donald Trump. Protests took place on November 12th throughout the city.
COMING TOGETHER. Black lives matter protests taking place downtown combined with the love trumps hate protests that were taking place at the same time. Black lives matter protests were sparked due to the yet to be announced verdict on the Ray Tensing trial.
SPEAKING OUT. Protesters stop to listen to speakers at Washington Park during protesting. Speakers from various organizations such as BLANK spoke out about their feelings and experiences with racial problems in our city.
SIGNS AND SOUNDS. Protesters from both the black lives matter and love trumps hate movements stand together chanting and holding signs to show their rejection of recent events in both Cincinnati and the world. Both protests remained peaceful throughout the day.
UNIFICATION. Both protests joined at the Pavilion in Washington to park to continue protesting and hear from speakers from various organization involved in the movements. Poems were read, stories were shared, and moments of silence were given to honor those who were affected by recent acts of hate and violence.