Band marches in tune
Hannah Lee, Feature Co-editor
January 10, 2017
YOU WILL BE MISSED. Caroline Kelly, 12, plays the vibraphone in the marching band show, “Vortex” at the Senior Send Off. Kelly has been in marching band since freshman year and this marching band season was her fourth and final. Along with Kelly, other marching band seniors, senior football players , and cheerleaders were celebrated in the senior send off.
DROP THE BEAT. Quad tenor drummers Adrian Oliver, 11, and Zachary Palmer, 10, step in line at a halftime show in the Sycamore stadium. The drumline step in front of the woodwinds at the beginning of the show. The show starts with a percussion solo to evoke suspense before the rest of the band comes in.
“S!H!S!” The marching band plays in the stands to support the football team at a home game. To root the football team the marching band plays several “pep tunes.” The marching band also played their show, “Vortex,” during half time.
IN STEP. Nir Kadosh, 11, marches and plays mellophone on the field during halftime. Kadosh has played synthesizer his sophomore year, but this year he stepped up to play and march the mellophone. Although a big transition, Kadosh has stepped in line smoothly.
PITCH PERFECT. Senior, Isabelle Augustin, plays her flute solo at the center of the field. Typically a mellophone player in marching band, Augustin switches to her concert band instrument for a extra special moment in the “Vortex.” The “Vortex” will be Augustin’s last show in the marching band as she is a graduating senior.
HOCO PARADE. Front ensemble members, (left to right) Ethan Miller, 11, Christopher Bemmis, 11, Deniz Gorur, 9, Jeicy Hernandez Baquero, 10, Nick Walker, 11- lead the marching band in the homeoming parade. The colorguard wave their falgs in routine behind them. The homecoming parade would not be the same without the marching band.