Varsity Green serves it up during the season
Jacob Wittenbaum, Staff Writer
January 11, 2017
GAME, SET, MATCH. Halle Gordan, 122 and Bryce Winnestaffer, 12 high-five each other after wining a point against Mason. Each member of the tennis program high-five each other after every point weather they win the point or lose it.
WHACK. Sarah Sotropa, 12, hits a menacing forehand against Princeton. Sarah played first singles on Varisty Green throughout the season. The varsity green team practices almost everyday after school, unless they have a match.
SMASH Abby Pescovitz, 10, crushes a serve against their rivals Mason. Abby played third singles most of the season. All players fight there hardest in every match to seal them a victory.
MATCH POINT. Madison Ringer,11, hits a smashing forehand against Mason. They pulled off the victory with a 3-2 win. The varsity green team played Mason two times during the season, one at home and one away.
WHAT A COME BACK! Halle Gordan, 12, makes a comeback against Indian Hill. Although most of their matches were home, they won many away matches this season. Every week day the girls either have practice for about two hours or a match.