Teaming up to tackle sibs
Hannah Loftspring, Spotlight Chief
February 1, 2017
MIC DROP. Seniors Cagla Akcadag and Connor Jarrett hosted Battle of the Sibs as the emcees. Originally, Jarrett was going to be joined on stage by his sister until she became sick on the day of. While participants dressed as outrageous and spirited as possible, Akcadag and Jarrett went for a classier look.
SHOWTIME. While the teams of sibs were being announced, a song of their choice was played to hype up the audience as they ran on stage and performed a short sibling duet. Pictured above is Bob Wise, 9, and Emily Wise, 12, the winners of the event. Not only did these siblings raise the most money, but they also won the most games during the show. The entire event raised over $1,700.
“Battle of the Sibs was super fun and goofy. I didn’t know what to expect because I wasn’t able to go to any of them in the past. Charlie Harper, 9, and I competed for Operation Give Back,” said Lena Harper, 12.
“My sister Helen Sotropa,10, and I dominated ‘Guess the Song’. Basically what we had to do was hear what song was playing, run up, grab the cone, and guess the song. The song I guessed what ‘Year 3000’ by the Jonas Brothers and overall we ended up in 4th place,” said Sarah Sotropa, 12.
STICKY SITUATION. One of the games siblings competed in had to do with using vaseline to keep a cotton ball on their noses. Other games included ‘guess the song’, ‘how well do you know your sibling’, ‘hot dog toss’, ‘hungry hungry hippos’, and ‘digging for worms’.