Stretching through afternoons


Allyson Bonhaus

Yoga Club president Creek does a sun salutation in from of her booth. The booth was for the Academic Fair on Jan. 10th. Creek tried to sell Yoga Club to incoming freshmen and other class men that have not tried Yoga Club.

Students meet in the mirror room every Monday after school. There Ms. Meredith Blackmore leads the students in yoga poses. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Blackmore makes sure that the club is open to beginners.
Nothing should ever hurt as well, so if something starts to hurt there is an easy position to wait for the next move. Blackmore reminds students to stop if something does not feel right and to not stretch too far.
“Yoga is a great activity for anyone at any age and any level,” said Grace Creek, 10.
Creek is the student president of Yoga Club. She is in charge of reminding people to come and attracting more students to join. Creek makes sure to have the mats in the room as well.
“It helps with flexibility and strength no matter what your experience,” said Creek.
Blackmore reminds students of the benefits of yoga. This exercise does not burn fat but it does encourage mindfulness and peace. There are no quick cardio movements in yoga, people try to hold the pose.
“The club caters itself to anyone with any ability,” said Creek.
At the end of the club, Blackmore makes sure that everyone has signed in and takes the number from the line your name is on. In a cup she pulls out a number and that person gets a yoga magazine. Other yoga videos and classes are recommended to ingrain yoga as part of your week.
For more information click here.