Architecture class constructs big dreams for tiny home

ABOVE AND BEYOND. Taking the architecture assignment a step further, the architecture class plans to not build the usual shed but a home. This is the model that the home will be based off of that was made by Allison Falvin, 12. “We hope to help the future generation to begin funding their projects and hopefully encourage them to dream big,” Flavin said.
February 24, 2017
It all started with senior Allison Flavin, who calls herself an overachiever and rightfully so. Inspired by her above-and-beyond floor plan assignment, the architecture class is now planning on building a tiny home instead of the original plan of building a shed.
The architecture class was instructed to build a floor plan of a home but Flavin decided to go big and created a tiny home. Her model was received very enthusiastically by the class and stirred the idea to build a house of her model in place of a shed the course had in its plan.
The class convinced the teacher, Mr. Michael Hahn to allow this entire project: building the tiny home and then selling it.
“Our final plan for this project is to gain all the experience and collaboration this project would bring to our class and sell the home to a member of our community,” Flavin said.
The class has already received sponsorships and donations in support of this project. It has all the materials needed to build the basic structure of the home. In addition, Deer Park agreed to donate the roofing, siding, and wood to start the frame.
“With the incredible support from our community came the crushing realization that the money we needed far surpassed our original expectations (being high school students who like to dream big),” Flavin said.
However, about $1000 worth of funds to equip the inside of the home -such as appliances and flooring- are still needed. For this purpose, Flavin has made a gofundme fundraiser for their tiny home with a goal of $8000. The donations are about 1/8 of the way there, but there is still a lot to go before their goal is reached.
“The money from this sale would go towards the engineering and architecture programs in our school in order to fund other projects in the future when classes have similar grand plans,” Flavin said.