Students suggest security increases

SAFETY! Security cameras are very good systems for security usage. However, they are not monitored all the time. The camera can be use of proof but cannot be used to prevent an occurring event at that point. Photo Courtesy of: Peter Sung
February 27, 2017
SHS may be one of the safest schools to attend. However others may disagree, as the security at our school may not be what students expect it to be.
Many may argue that security cameras will not be enough to keep the school safe.
“I think that the security at our school is alright. I think it is easy for someone to bring something dangerous into school. Yes, we have cameras but they won’t be checking them 24/7,” said Brooke Williams, 10.
Some students think that the security that is being used on students that come in for classes are not strong enough.
“In general during the school day I feel really safe with all of our staff and security measures and because of the safety drills we go through,” said Kyra Fales, 10.
Others may think that the security currently being used is safe throughout the school day because of the adults that keep us protected and prepared.
“To the best of my knowledge the school is pretty safe. I know that the doors stay locked throughout the day and we have Officer Paul Payne at the front of our building to watch out for anything suspicious,” said Emma Blessing, 10
The students may be satisfied with what our school provides us on the security that we receive throughout the school year, and others may not. The final conclusion to this is that we need a stronger security to satisfy everyone.