Tryouts traumatize

Photo Courtesy of: McDaniels’ Photography,
GRIND! Time to start up a new season and win. Working together is the main key to being successful on a team. You must be able to work with others in order to win as a team and also as an individual. Photo Courtesy of: McDaniels’ Photography,
March 2, 2017
Before a season starts for a particular sport, a player must show off his/her abilities and skills in order for the coaches to decide what team and position he/she will be put on as for the coming season.
There are many athletes who get really nervous before tryouts because they are worried about what position they will have and what team they will be put on.
“I was very excited and nervous at the same time at the tennis tryouts because it is all decided on who you win and lose to during the week of tryouts. I just had to make sure that I was confident throughout the matches in order to play my best,” said Matthew Bolger, 10.
The amount of pressure that is put on athletes must be incredible because the word tryouts affects the way they play due to the intensity of the tryout competition.
“During tryouts I have a lot going through my brain. I have to think about how I am going to beat my next opponent and think about my actions on the court to make sure I do not show a bad impression during tryouts in front of the coaches,” said Yash Singh, 9.
Athletes have to go through a mental, emotional and physical process during tryouts in order to be able to play their best and work their hardest.
“I make sure I pump myself up before tryouts and make sure that I do not get too nervous before. I understand that others are also feeling the same way so I just make sure to think of it as a typical match that I have to win,” said Shaurya Singh, 11.
Tryouts for spring sports start March 6, 2017.